Well-Known Member
I am one of the people who @bdwalters is describing. It doesn't matter if it's most people, killing the tax credit is going to affect a market that needs to be selling as many EVs as possible to gain the magnitude of scale to compete with Tesla.Do you have some kind of data, a behavioral study perhaps, that backs up your assertion that most people operate under your financial principles? I don’t think most people operate that way, people operate on emotion and value means different things to different people so you can’t really say the credit will be a central factor anymore than I can say it won’t.
I can assure you that the tax credit is a factor even for people who have no problem affording it at full price. I am one of those people.The cost of an object is a factor and if it is within the affordable range, then it's no longer in consideration. There are other factors that matters in the decision making. In other words, the first filter is am I able to afford it without impacting our daily lives. If so, it no longer enters the value equation.
Wealthy people can be cheap, otherwise you wouldn't see those who own $130K Taycans using their free charging at EA in a Walmart parking lot when they could charge at home.