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Took a 3-day-weekend short trip up to Washington State's Olympic Peninsula. Photo above is from a spit of land that acts as a seawall to protect the Port of Port Angeles, Washington from the ocean (or the Straight of Juan de Fuca specifically,) at left is Port Angeles Bay with mainland US visible behind (the Olympic Mountains with Mount Olympus still snow-covered beyond,) center is the spit of land (officially Ediz Hook,) at right is the Straight of Juan de Fuca with Victoria Island barely visible beyond.
Made liberal use of the RAN at Aberdeen, Washington. (Stayed 4 miles from it.) Filled to 100% Sunday evening, went back to the hotel. Started the full Highway 101 loop around the peninsula Monday morning. Drove it in Conserve mode the whole time. Had I had 21" wheels/street tires or my wife hadn't driven the first ~50 miles (a notorious lead-foot) we probably would have been able to make the whole loop on one charge and made it back to the RAN. As it was, there's an EA in Port Angeles (pretty much the halfway point of the loop) so I charged for 5 minutes to play it safe. Good thing, I added 49 miles during that stop, arrived back at the EA with 38 miles of range remaining. Heck, the hotel being 4 miles "the wrong way" from the RAN, plus the overnight slight discharge might have made the difference.
(Hotel was 4 miles West of RAN. We thought we were going to go around the loop West, but changed our mind in the morning and went East instead.)