Ohm Boy
Well-Known Member
Wow!! You know me so well, from where??If you had any real conviction you wouldn't use Tesla SCs at all. So hypocritical but typical.
Allow me introduce you, dear MDH, to a concept from the Talmud, “Life before Torah”, which in Hebrew is “Pikuach Nefesh”. In the section of the Talmud Yoma 85b Rabbi Shmuel bar Abba states that one should live by the law unless doing so endangers a life. The most common illustration of Pikuach Nefesh in the Talmud is that of the Sabbath with the prohibitions of work on the day of rest, where, for example, a child’s life is in danger from drowning. One is obligated to do whatever it takes to save the child’s life even if doing so breaks laws of the Sabbath. And this applies to one’s own life as well.
Do I save myself and my wife by charging at a Tesla SC when there is no other option, where the result of not charging my Rivian would be that great harm would come to us? For me that is a firm yes. Or should I not consider her wellbeing or what the impact on our children would be if we died because of refusal to use the SC?
Pikuach Nefesh would dictate that in this situation the ethical balance is such that spending $25 on charging the vehicle to prevent major harm coming to us outweighs the ethical issues of giving this $25 to Tesla.
There are things in life which are not quite so simple as you make them out to be, dear MDH. Aaaahhh, but doesn’t it make it so much easier to be a judgmental asshole and live according to that ethic when one removes oneself from the hard work of life’s complexities?
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