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Took Ada out for her first ride in Ms. Frizzle. It took her about thirty seconds to figure out that she could open the window by stepping on the armrest! I'll need to figure out how to use the window locks. The Team 1EV Pet Deck worked out great, but I can see why they also sell brackets to keep the seats up--Ada managed to pull one of them back down three times! We went out for breakfast and Pet Comfort mode worked out as advertised. That's going to be a game-changer: I cannot count the number of times I wanted to take her with me on errands but just couldn't because of the weather! The only problem with the truck, from the dog's perspective, is that it's difficult for her to see out the front window, over the hood. Also, Ms. Frizzle isn't a convertible. My Mini convertible will, I think, always be superior for canine pleasure rides!