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  1. R1Sezejay

    12v problem Great Service!

    That is a good reason to drink! When rivian gave you an uber voucher. Cheers!🍻
  2. R1Sezejay

    Clunking noise when pushing and releasing gas pedal

    Would you mind posting the service invoice?i have the same issue as you but its not really a big deal to me and maybe will address this on my 7.5k service appointment. Thank you for posting.
  3. R1Sezejay

    Saying Goodby for now

    Thank you for all your insights and tips really appreciate it. Hope you’ll visit this forum once in a while.
  4. R1Sezejay

    R1S Lease Terms

    I think the $1,800 difference is for the acquisition fee$895, title registration $998 and documentation $85.
  5. R1Sezejay

    California to White Pocket, AZ in our R1S

    Thank you for sharing! Happy thanksgiving🦃
  6. R1Sezejay

    Joshua Tree Rivian Charging Outpost Opens December 2024

    A good reason to visit Joshua Tree this winter! Thank you for posting.
  7. R1Sezejay

    Feeling better now that I have ordered an R1S and can sell the Elon [LOCKED and BANS due to POLITICS]

    Congrats! Don’t forget to post your new ride once you have it.
  8. R1Sezejay

    Tesla adapter first time question

    That trailer guy saves the night! Must have been heaven sent!🙏
