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  1. Polar

    Product delivery representations by EV BASE

    Many people ā€¦ just do a search here and on Reddit.
  2. Polar

    R1S Prinsu Rack Noise/Efficiency Impact?

    This is my last 800 miles in ~ 30Ā° weather no preconditioning. 275/65r20 Scorps Yes there is a sealing strip for the leading edge of the fairing on the Prinsu.
  3. Polar

    R1S Prinsu Rack Noise/Efficiency Impact?

    As long as itā€™s a true 42ā€ and not 42ā€ + casing width. I have a 40ā€ but it measures 42ā€œ at the case, which is why I referred to it errantly as a 42ā€. And there is about another 1ā€ on either side so youā€™d be able to fit probably up to 44ā€ depending on the front/rear depth of the case.
  4. Polar

    R1S Prinsu Rack Noise/Efficiency Impact?

    I have both - they sent the wrong fairing initially. Iā€™m using the cutout these days.
  5. Polar

    Tested 35" tires on the R1T - for offroading / overlanding

    Yes- https://www.rivianforums.com/forum/threads/285-70r20-toyo-atiii-ev-going-on-r1t.36982/
  6. Polar

    R1S Reservation Holder Before Price Increase (Advice Needed)

    You canā€™t play the non-English card both ways - you understood it at the time well enough to rage cancel.
  7. Polar

    Rivian now charging $.68 per kwh

    Yeah - nope. Same price through the day at my local RAN $0.65/kWh. And Iā€™d not say itā€™s super busy by any stretch.
  8. Polar

    How did I lose so much range?

    What was your efficiency for the trip? How fast were you going? Do you normally drive on highways or usually a city driver?
  9. Polar

    Why Don't EVs Come With Spare Tires?

    Itā€™s not just EVs. Iā€™m willing to bet the primary driver is cost cutting measures by manufacturers, to then up charge the customer more.
  10. Polar

    Rivian now charging $.68 per kwh

    This is the Lynwood WA RAN - just two weeks ago it was only $.36 a kilowatt hour.
  11. Polar

    Real Life Photos of the Rivian Wheels / Rims Options [Compilation]

    Those match the rotiform aesthetic perfectly. adding my far more pedestrian option to the mix - EVSportline 1600 with 35x11.50 Geolandars.
  12. Polar

    Ugh, Grandma smells! How to eliminate / clean urine smell?

    Stop do not pass go. Call an interior detailer and just have them take care of it for you.
  13. Polar

    2024.51.02 Update installing now

    The update absolutely fixed this for me!! but Iā€™ll give it a week to see if I need to do a reset or not
  14. Polar

    My R1S and I creak the same at accel and deccel

    well, time to replace my other A arm ball joint
  15. Polar

    Amended 2022 binding contract

    Yeah - I stopped checking the site after the above since my check came in the mail two weeks after the status shifted.
  16. Polar

    Amended 2022 binding contract

    It was completed in November?? Ooph.
  17. Polar

    Amended 2022 binding contract

    15 months - from when the IRS portal stated they received -
  18. Polar

    JEBINC’s “Welting Mod,” for the EV Sportline / 1EV Running Boards – “Oh Yeah!”

    Itā€™s worth the minor efficiency hit. Welting mod still holding strong - almost 18 months later - thanks for sharing @jebinc
  19. Polar

    Amended 2022 binding contract

    Mine took 15 months. October ā€˜23 all the way to December ā€™24 - it took so long I received $998 in interest in my payment (which qualifies as income, thanks IRS) There are dozens of threads on this; have you searched? If you applied in the year you bought it - youā€™d have received a whole $0 -...
  20. Polar

    Front wiper causing vibration on gas pedal

    Because there are so few *other* vibrationsā€¦ you feel the torquey motor of the wipers
