
Search results

  1. SW Florida Service Center info?

    Considering a “temporary” move to the Naples area at the end of the year (early retirement) while we decide on our “final destination” :) . Currently there is an SC in Tampa (2 1/2 hours) and Miami (2 hours). But the SC map shows a “planned” one for the Ft Myers area, which would only be a 45...
  2. Rear passenger door handle “slapping”

    Anyone experience this before (See video)? 2024 R1T, took delivery in August. Basically, anytime the truck unlocks, the handle starts “slapping”. Sometimes it will stop after 2 or 3 “slaps”, sometimes it continues on until I lock it, or put it in gear. This happened back in October, then it...
  3. R1T visits RIT

    As a native Rochestarian, and graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology (over 3 decades ago..), whenever I see the R1T logo, I always think of my alma mater, RIT. So, when we drove up from Northern VA to visit family this weekend, we decided to take our 2-week old R1T and see how the...
  4. Anyone have experience charging at an Airport

    I’m flying from DCA mid September, and noticed they had a bunch of free chargers in the parking garage (ChargePoint). Assuming there are spots available when I get there, do you schedule your charge to start, say, 24h before you return, or just let it charge to maybe 85% immediately, and then...
  5. (Soon to be) New 2024 R1T Owner

    So, I've been watching these vehicles for over 2 years. Constantly spec'ing out builds, looking at pre-built configurations, then doing it all over again a few days later... I even started putting $ away in a savings account over a year ago to mock out increased payments (since, at the time...
