Add me to the list. R1T 09*** VIN. Got home for a bit this afternoon, went out an hour later, and couldn’t unlock the truck. Called service, and they plan to pick it up next Tuesday! Told them that was unacceptable, but not sure it will change anything.
I live 3 hours away from the nearest...
Fwiw, see screenshot from a reply email from my guide (who has been great, btw). Tricky with the “emergency” wording. But, seems as if they will foot the bill for warranty issues, which IMO is as much as one can expect.
In my case, the expectation comes from a direct question I asked of my guide prior to purchasing from the Shop. Had the answer been that I had to drive to the service center, I would have certainly waited for my 2023 delivery in hopes of the service centers expanding and early adopters kinks...
I sure hope that this gets overturned like the price hike. This was a big issue for me when I decided to purchase a R1T from the Shop, as the closest service center is a 3 hour drive for me. I was assured by my Guide that, if they can't do a mobile repair, they will come and get my truck and...