Regarding the steps you are seeing: this is a simple math/precision thing that is happening to any app or service that consumes the Rivian API.
The battery SoC sensor that Rivian exposes has a resolution of 0.1% or 1/1000th. If you multiply this with the size of the capacity of the battery...
Yes battery temp is really missing. Did not see it in the API docs in the underlying GitHub repo that the HA integration uses. If it is simply missing and you have the details, I’d be happy to help with a PR.
Would be great to do an inventory of other missing sensors that might exist in the...
These spikes have started with firmware 2024.47.01 and seem to be more calculation anomalies than anything real. Seeing the exact same. Before that firmware the capacity of my R1T was an almost constant flat line.
Regarding the drop in capacity: it seems to ‘help’ the vehicle show less phantom...
Correct. This is a simple procedure that seems to always work. As an electrical engineer by trade, the ground rule is to always remove all sources of power. It simply works. There might be other procedures and one can always ignore this and do it differently.
Turns out there is a safe and seemingly reliable way to disconnect and or change the main 12V battery on 2023+ Gen 1 Single Battery R1Ts (and most likely R1Ss) - at least as of firmware 2024.51.02 (not tried or tested earlier).
Here are the simple steps that allow you to prep the car for...
2023 R1T Quad here with 15k miles. Love the truck just like on day one when we got it.
Service scheduling can be a bit of an issue due to the wait times, but every time when I called they were ultimately able to squeeze me in earlier or once sent a mobile service. Service quality has been top...
Me too - even (or especially) after many years using it. Cannot imagine running a modern household and life for that matter without it.
Got the same data for our Teslas through the Tessie API.
I control Solax Solar and Storage, heating/cooling through KNX, pool and whirlpool, security...
Hi there! Connect with several European owners over the past few months. We are about to move to Austria with our R1T. Looking forward to meeting some of you eventually.
Sorry to hear about your 12V issues and the failed update.
On 51.02 here for my 2023 R1T Gen 1 Quad. No issues with install. On a 2 months old 12V battery myself.
Definitely amazing. Remember the days I got the Model S P100D a few years back.
My Gen 1 Quad, definitely does not have that punch from a standstill but I am every day amazed with how much ease it too pulls away from almost anything on the road. Love it.
That’s a bit concerning. I have had several charger stops that the Rivian nav did not recognize as such and did not precondition the battery for. With no way to manually pre-condition, what does one do in that case?