Hello RF’ers.
Every time I hook-up my trailer I seem to need to find the best/easiest way to check the trailer lights. The turn signals are no problem. But the parking/running lights is always a puzzle. I can get them to work by sitting in the seat and turning them on at the stalk. But they...
I realize that there have been a number of posts about trailering, but perhaps this one is a bit different. Until I get a larger one, I will be towing a 4’ x 8’ utility trailer. Max about 1500#. Got my R1T two weeks ago and thought that I would do a test pull before my 255 mile trip next week...
Hello RFers.
I had started a chat this morning with a Rivian rep about discussing pre and post delivery pricing for accessories. Before I could even ask about that she wrote that “Your vehicle configuration is selected for fulfillment.“ Wow, the 19 month wait will soon be over. Well, to...
I have an R1T pre-order (2/2/22) with an ”Estimated Delivery of May-June 2023”. As far as I can discern it is now July 2023 and this leaves me in somewhat of a quandary, or Catch-22 perhaps. There is/was an R1T listed in the shop very close to my configuration. However, it does not include the...
I thought that I would skim over this to see if there was anything interesting and that I could digest. I was doing pretty well getting through executive compensation (wow), but when I got to the section that discusses this in relation to other corporations, I got lost. Is there someone on this...