If you buy a Tesla with free supercharging (and you have one nearby) like some of the current pricing that includes it for a new one, it might be worthwhile. Otherwise, I'd totally agree.
The problem with that is the miles to empty are almost never accurate in a Rivian. My Tesla if I go to the energy screen is pretty much dead nuts on. Rivian is nowhere near as accurate. My Teslas will typically get with about 1/2% of what I end up at when I stop. I charge my battery based on...
While it won't get held against you now, it will still be counted as a claim, and still potentially impact your insurance rates or make it more difficult to go with another carrier. I just want through this a few years ago. Someone sideswiped our Tesla while parked when we were on vacation. Our...
I want the precision and I have a few motorcycles with not very granular fuel gauges and it is really hard to predict sometimes how much fuel I am using. I have mine to show %'age now. I also want my estimated charge % at arrival, not the stupid miles which depends on what mode I am in.
If I...
I have the Weathertech Tri Fold one. I didn't want to have to slide pieces in and out to use it. I can quickly flip it open or remove it. It is supposed to fit in the gear tunnel but I just take it totally of and leave it in the garage when needed or just lay it to the side in the truck bed.
It will provide better than Driver+ functionality on roads that are mapped and non-mapped. The other questions I can't answer yet but willing to do so as soon as mine arrives this week.
Some of your questions might be answered here.
Your comment is really on point. I am an aeronautical engineer and spent a lot of time working in related areas. I grew up building quick cars and motorcycles and racing them. I am not an electrical engineer but I know enough to troubleshoot typical electrical issues, rewire my car, etc. But...
I think we are on the same page here. Having driven many of the smog motor cars of 70's, when you were lucky to run a 15 second 1/4 mile with your 5L V8, I am all for the acceleration that EVs bring. I spent a long time tuning cars and motorcycles. Worry about what tune I had when there were...
You are in the sweet spot for heat pumps whereas I am not. Hence the reason in every thread where I commented that for me it isn't much of a benefit and can be a detriment. A lot of my days are typically 80+ for months on end with a lot of 100+ days. So for me heat pumps aren't as much of a...
I don't claim to be an expert in this area but I've read several articles and my experience with a non heat pump Model 3 and the same version with heat pumps showed I had worse efficiency in the Texas summers. Heat pump efficiency is typically less than traditional AC units at higher temps if...
Hard to say if they are sandbagging or now. I just post what I see. It might be more impactful to range on the G2 trucks than the G1. From what I understand, how they ran the EPA tests differ between G1 and G2. If what I read is accurate, they ran the test in conserve mode on the new trucks...
I get your point but I don't want to assume anything. Most magazines call out if rollout is omitted. Many car companies do as well. That is one thing I appreciated about Tesla and their stats. They would normally asterisk it and annotate accordingly. I wish everyone would do it so it is clear...
Thanks, glad you found value in it. My initial impression of acceleration was that it was quicker than my G1 R1T. Not by a huge margin but quicker. I think that feeling was exacerbated by the porpoising. It definitely launched with a higher nose attitude than my T does. The numbers painted a...
Yes, that is how they list them on their website for the dual standard model. If you go to a Rivian Store, they have the tires all lined up so you can compare them. They look a lot like the 20" Pirelli all terrain tires. I had those on my truck for a while but I think these are a better all...
If its not the quad, what could they announce that would really matter to most people since the R2 and R3 won't be available for a while?
As for the little improvements, a bunch of little improvements is still little improvement.
I spent the most time I have had so far in a G2 Tri Max and I...
G2 R1S Tri Max runs and analysis vs my R1T G1 Quad Large
I had a chance to do some runs in a Tri Max. It provided me with some interesting data. I am not going to post the runs as I think a narrative is more useful as nuance matter as much as the numbers.
For those that are TL;DR people the...
I think they track pretty closely, but I can reset the trip computer on the Rivian for the specific stretch I want. Electrafi tracks it from every time I start to drive until I stop, as well as all my charging sessions and idle time (along with vampire drain). I love Electrafi and have been...