
Search results

  1. mpshizzle

    Arbitrary Limits on the Driver Screen Display

    Has anyone noticed the arbitrary limits imposed on the driver's display? A few of the hard limits I've noticed Other vehicles are only shown if they are facing the same direction as you (or at least close) Parked vehicles on the side of the road are only shown if your speed is exactly 30 MPH...
  2. mpshizzle

    L2 NACS Adapter recommendations?

    I'm currently shopping for a level 2 adapter, and I want to make sure that I get something that's high quality and won't burn down my r1s. But I also don't want to throw money away Here's the debate that I'm having... The "known brand" (Lectron) is $130. That seems incredibly overpriced...
  3. mpshizzle

    Gen 2 Heat Pump Noise Fixed! Issue: HVAC (refrigerant) lines were in contact with the bulkhead

    I recently had my Gen 2 R1S in the service center, and one of the issues I had them looking at was a rattle in the dash being caused by the heat pump. I would describe the heat pump as being very rumbly. Not terribly loud, but definitely audible in a way that calls attention to itself. In...
  4. mpshizzle

    Gen1 Quad From a Gen2 Owner’s Perspective

    For a bit of context here, this is not my first experience with a G1 Quad (You can read about that here). I just had the opportunity to spend some time in a G1 again, and my thoughts have evolved a bit, and I noticed a few different. So I figured I’d post my observations - perhaps it can help...
  5. mpshizzle

    Soft/hard reset terminology

    Fair warning: this thread is just one giant What I'm about to say is of pretty low importance 😜 There are 2 kinds of resets that people do on their Rivians. Often called soft resets and hard resets. In the world of tech typically a soft reset is "graceful". It's where you use the device's...
  6. mpshizzle

    So much for the heated radar (gen 2)

    A while back there was a video where a Rivian engineer was talking about safety and repairability changes made to Gen 2. In that video he mentioned a heater grid for the radar to prevent ice/snow buildup. Unfortunately I am having a hard time finding that thread again Utah has had an unusually...
  7. mpshizzle

    Discussion - Why Can't I Use Chromecast With a Hotspot?

    I know this is sure to come up frequently - especially once the trial period ends for non connect + subscribers. Here's what I know about how Chromecasat works: Chromecast capable apps search the local network for Chromecast targets using mDNS. This utilizes Port 1900. Once it communicates...
  8. mpshizzle

    Running off of shore power

    Has anyone else noticed that Rivians don't run off of "shore power" when they're plugged in? I started noticing this as winter has set in. I'll often leave my R1S plugged in overnight to charge, with the added bonus that in the morning I can warm up the cabin and battery before I leave, using...
  9. mpshizzle

    Tracking Charger Usage Per User - Do You Need This?

    I live in a household with 3 residents who are EV drivers. In order to divide utilites fairly between us, I needed a system that would track charger usage per-driver. I was unable to find any system that was able to do that. Maybe there is something, but as far as I could tell unless you get...
  10. mpshizzle

    Discovered new way to unlock! Tap phone on door handle

    Context for my story - I have my R1S set to "Lock Only" at home. So in the morning I have to use the touch sensor on the door handle to unlock. It works like 50% of the time. The rest of the time I have to push the unlock button on the app. One morning when the touch sensor decided it was too...
  11. mpshizzle

    Gen 2 "Service Suspension Soon". Anyone else?

    A few days ago I had this dreaded message pop up on my dash and I've been doing lots of reading up on it. Have any other Gen 2 owners had this issue? For a bit of context, I have no restrictions on any functionality. I can change drive modes, ride height, stiffness etc. The only sign anything...
  12. mpshizzle

    Why do we care so much about Elon Musk?

    Before I get into anything - DO NOT MAKE THIS POLITICAL This is not a forum for politics - if you discuss politics the mods will lock this thread and then everyone loses. So don't do it So on to the topic of discussion: More and more I've been seeing commentary from Tesla owners wanting to...
  13. mpshizzle

    How does EV Sportline MagSafe Phone Mount work in Gen 2?

    Looking at one of these for my gen 2 - but not sure how this works https://evsportline.com/collections/rivian-r1s-interior-accessories/products/rivian-r1t-r1s-dashboard-magsafe-phone-mount?variant=43270730481804 For gen 1 it used a fuse tap. But from what I understand gen 2 uses e-fuses. So...
  14. mpshizzle

    Driving Around full speed in Park

    Been seeing this ad on Instagram lately. Really pretty photo.... But the guy is in park driving real fast down the road. Gave me a good laugh So naturally I had Chat GPT roast it too. Also very funny Here are some roast-style comments for you: --- 1. "Rivian really out here redefining the...
  15. mpshizzle

    A little love for Utah

    Just wanna show a little love to all the Utah residents out there. What an amazing place to live where you can see THIS in your blind spot Camera 😍 Thanks Rivian for giving us the mountain admiration cam!
  16. mpshizzle

    Are key fobs available for G2 now?

    I just saw this in my app To be fair, I don't really care - phone and card are just fine for me. But interesting to see that
  17. mpshizzle

    Scheduled charging END time?

    It's fairly well known that limiting the time your battery spends at high states of charge is best for battery health (thus the 70% daily limit). When I go on a road trip I try to take that into account and set the vehicle to finish charging within an hour of my intended departure time. The...
  18. mpshizzle

    Car Costume? How About a House Costume?

    I decided to lean in to the car costume, and set up the lighting on my house to match! Every 30 minutes the video playing on the garage and the house lighting automatically changed between KITT theme and Back to the Future. (I had to manually change the Rivian to match). It was quite the fun...
  19. mpshizzle

    UWB key for Gen 2 - not a thing?

    There is a big deal made at lunch with Gen 2 about using UWB for the key instead of relying on Bluetooth. It was supposed to be supported on pixel, iphone, and Apple watch. But not a word has been mentioned about it since. As far as I can tell there's next to nothing in the owner's manual, and...
  20. mpshizzle

    Hitchhiking Ghosts! (HVAC Bug)

    I've been having an anoying bug with HVAC on my Gen 2 R1S. When I go to remotely turn on climate control from the app, more often than not I see this error message: So apparently I have ghosts occupying the vehicle! But here's the weird part. If I wake the vehicle (for example by venting the...
