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  1. CarlM408

    New owner Gen 2 RIT dual perf max, SF bay to Tahoe range ?!?

    Some real-world data from last winter, Richmond to South Lake with R1T PDM Max AT, burned basically 75% If you're leaving from deeper in the bay area can probably still make it on a single charge, but that being said do you really want to risk getting stuck in a road closure somewhere in the...
  2. CarlM408

    Question to Dual Motor Performance drivers

    PDM Max AT, Sport/lowest vs. All-Purpose, after ~45mph the acceleration is the same.
  3. CarlM408

    Water in footwell/soaked carpet, Gen1 R1T DM Max

    So if you can get the truck toasty with charging that should activate the AC, would be an interesting test to see if you get more water or not.
  4. CarlM408

    Water in footwell/soaked carpet, Gen1 R1T DM Max

    Quite possibly this could be the HVAC issue...yank out your floor mats, open the windows, turn off the AC system and crank up the heater/fans, and connect a front seatbelt so the air system can run for some hours without the truck going to sleep and get that carpet dried out ASAP. Then debug...
  5. CarlM408

    Is an R1T camp kitchen "worth" it?

    LOL, yes absolutely. We have the Thunderbolt kitchen and sliding it out when at a charging stop on a road trip and starting to make Mochas is a definite way to make new friends! ☕🍩 Taking the kitchen modules off the slide is very easy. Taking the slide out is a few bolts, also not hard but...
  6. CarlM408

    Ready State & Battery Drain

    Yeah this looks like the 'normal' battery tending. Sleeps for 2-3 hours, wakes up for an hour to top up the 12v system, rinse and repeat to the tune of a 1% loss per day roughly. Considering the tiny size of the 12v battery, I don't see how software can help here in any way, beyond having...
  7. CarlM408

    Water in footwell/soaked carpet, Gen1 R1T DM Max

    Passenger and rear are fine, so just the driver's side so far. :please:
  8. CarlM408

    Water in footwell/soaked carpet, Gen1 R1T DM Max

    Yeah lots of threads...anyone ever heard of this ever happening more than once to anyone? Sure hope this is a common manufacturing oops as opposed to a common recurring issue.
  9. CarlM408

    Water in footwell/soaked carpet, Gen1 R1T DM Max

    Juuuust happened to notice something reflecting funny off the chrome footrest in the driver's footwell this morning, droplets of water, and on peeling back my all-season floormats found the carpet damp, some more droplets on other plastic pieces, and some minor signs of mold growth. Yikes, not...
  10. CarlM408

    Gen 1 Vampire Drain (Possibly) Solved (or Hacked)

    The ODB2 port works great, it provides a direct connection to the 12v system and does not go dark when the vehicle goes to sleep like the 12v plug in the gear tunnel. Feeding it trickle-charger power (and disable proximity locking, wifi, and the gear guard and/or put it in camp mode) will keep...
  11. CarlM408

    Delivery Experience and Impressions After 1 Month | 2024 R1T DM Adventure El Cap with AT

    fwiw Dual Motor is not Bosch, those are the in-house Rivian Enduro motors. Bosch is only in the Gen1 Quad motor R1s.
  12. CarlM408

    Absolutely sick of Alexa's god-awful navigation

    Seems there's a bunch of new Google Maps related items in the latest update, without really clearly saying that the mapping & routing data provider has changed. Would be interesting if folks could re-try easily accessible routing/mapping stupidity and see if it's an better now.
  13. CarlM408

    Never received Lectron adapter and they dont want to replace it

    I've hit this problem before, once the USPS carrier marks it as delivered, no matter where that may be, how secure the location, and in my case having doorbell camera footage showing a theft just minute later and clearly following the mailman around, USPS considers it legally no longer their...
  14. CarlM408

    Vampire Drain increase after 2024.27.01 update?

    Bingo, Camp Mode, not just for camping! I wish the Rivian had a setting to not turn everything on when the doors get opened, just wait for me to press the brake peddle to wake up kk? Like, Permanent Camp Mode.
  15. CarlM408

    Gen 1 Vampire Drain (Possibly) Solved (or Hacked)

    Got a couple experiments running today...gotta love a good 3 day weekend! :-P 2A load on a fully charged Ohmmu, with GoPro watching the voltage and time. Will be comparing this with the Rivian's AGM battery after swapping to get a feel of the actual capacity difference between the two. The...
  16. CarlM408

    Handsfree way to open trunk?

    I can pretty easily hit the gate release button with my elbow, no free hand needed :idea: ps, wish Alexa could set the drive modes...ask her for Sport would be somewhat close to asking Kitt for Turbo Boost :cool:
  17. CarlM408

    3,100 miles and Not a Single Picture to Show For It

    lol, I've often wondered why I don't get more "How do you charge when it's raining??" questions :-P
  18. CarlM408

    “Performance Limited Right Now, Drive with caution”

    It's worth filing a ticket, they can pull the logs and hopefully see what caused the issue. Even if a false software glitch, good to raise the flag to feed the bug fix machine...
  19. CarlM408

    Vampire Drain increase after 2024.27.01 update?

    I wonder if this is a sign of a 12v battery near it's end of life...
