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  1. glassman

    Re-setting SiriusXM how to?

    My SiriusXM hasn't been working the last couple days. I can't figure out how to reload it. The SiriusXM website and help is utter garbage and useless, but I really like the product. Anybody have any suggestions?
  2. glassman

    Mendocino National Forest Overnight R1S Camping (2h North of San Francisco)

    Did alot of dirt biking in that neck of the woods at Davis Flat/Stoneyford. Love that area, this road report intrigues me, thanx for posting, Cheers, M
  3. glassman

    Twice now.....

    So, got the R1T back on Friday 10/18. Service was great, they had the car five days technically . Another 12V issue. It'll take a long time to restore my confidence. But I'm willing to try as the vehicle is good..... Cheers all, M
  4. glassman

    Huge Remorse with new R1S 2025 Gen 2

    VERY similar to my story. Now at the dealership, for 1.5-2 weeks by their estimate. I do have buyers remorse. I want this brand to work, its good, except when it isn't. And for me, its a work truck....
  5. glassman

    Twice now.....

    My truck is too new to be "recalled", I mean, im still on the test drive. May be the vehicle. What I do know, is it's been 30+ hours now and Rivian of SJ has not reached out. Called twice, emailed....no "hey you're in line" No "we're sorry" No "what can we do".....They did pick up the phone...
  6. glassman

    Twice now.....

    Wasn't a key issue. Was able to unlock, a few minutes later (leaving me puzzled nonetheless), with both the card key and app. But the battery service needed red light was appearing and service told me to tow it in.j
  7. glassman

    Twice now.....

    The Hotel room key. And so I've heard. I wish they did a normal truck. Dont want to be seen or drive a triangle. Hope so, not a great start however.... Gas/Diesel 3/4 ton. and an R2 for daily drive/estimates duty (it is/was a work truck)
  8. glassman

    Twice now.....

    HI Rivian. New owner, a whopping 17 days. # of times left stranded: 2. Not sure I'm in with this EV stuff so far. Left with an un-openable vehicle leaving the Niners game last Sunday the 6th of October. Wouldn't open for 20 minutes, Called service, able to "unbrick it". today, 10/14/24...
  9. glassman

    Upgrade needed for sound on base 2025 R1T

    Hi all, first time Riv owner, two weeks now. Installed a home charger (first EV) and completed first out of area trip this weekend. Range anxiety is diminishing. A couple things I'd like to ask the group: -is, or will there be, any sort of sound upgrade? buyers remorse (well, leasers remorse)...
  10. glassman

    What is typical battery loss overnight?

    I actually think it was me LOL, I have that kinda power. I was 0-15 going to the Raider games, I stepped away in the 2nd qtr to go get food and we ran the blocked FG attempt back for a touchdown. My brother told my wife, "have Mike stay away" lol.... I mean, AZ was playing in their element...
  11. glassman

    What is typical battery loss overnight?

    THE Rivian rep did tell me to put the FOB near the hood button/relaease, (and I wasn't issued a FOB, just a Hilton card lol), Maybe have the FOB/card key has the same effect as the door handle? not sure, but after two or three presses of the hood release button the vehicle woke up. I'd really...
  12. glassman

    What is typical battery loss overnight?

    Well, went to the Niner game, walked back to the truck, parked in 100* heat, and the truck wouldn't turn on or open. Had to call Rivian service and was told the truck "went to sleep". I'm the one who needed to go to sleep after watching the Niner game in 100* heat with the truck a mile away...
  13. glassman

    What is typical battery loss overnight?

    Thanx. I may have found, or discovered something I did not know. The interior (comfort) never turned off yesterday, I left the right seat belt plugged in since I took my doggo with me to run the errands. After I posted this, I went out to charge and heard the main front fan running and the...
  14. glassman

    What is typical battery loss overnight?

    Hi all, first time poster. I joined a couple weeks back before committing to my 2 year R1T lease. my home charger was installed Friday (10/04/24) and I was at 100% Saturday morning and used 3-4% yesterday running about 6 miles worth of around town errands. this morning, Sunday, it’s at 63%...
