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  1. EV base running board install instructions for 2025 Gen 2 R1S

    Wow they must have just updated that. I installed my first side last week and the instructions I scanned out of the box showed all 3 brackets being used. What did you end up doing with the plastic panels? Such a pain to work with.
  2. Backed into a pillar in a parking garage. Final repair bill...

    agreed that it seems like a reasonable price for all the work that was done. Only replacing the light bar out of pocket was our original plan. But once it turned into sensors not working we lost a lot of practical function. Fixing that added to our out of pocket cost so we decided to go through...
  3. Backed into a pillar in a parking garage. Final repair bill...

    No idea! Can't imagine it will be pretty... will find out when it's time for renewal.
  4. Backed into a pillar in a parking garage. Final repair bill...

    replaced were lift gate, tail gate, rear center light bar, and rear bumper.
  5. Backed into a pillar in a parking garage. Final repair bill...

    Within days of getting our R1S my wife backed into a pillar in a parking garage at a very low speed. The obvious damage was the cracked center light bar, scuffed paint between the RIVIAN letters and a dent on the bumper. The rear sensors stopped working as well. We took it to a Rivian certified...
  6. EV base running board install instructions for 2025 Gen 2 R1S

    All videos I could find online were for gen 1 R1S. The mounting brackets are different for 2025 as is some of the hardware on the panels. It took me a few hours to figure out the first side so I decided to make an instructional video to help out anyone else trying to put these on. Pretty easy...
  7. NFC issue & no keys work. Truck is effectively dead.

    Glad to hear it's working! Took a week for the repair? I have a service appointment next month. Will hopefully get it all sorted then.
  8. NFC issue & no keys work. Truck is effectively dead.

    Did you get this resolved? We're having a lot of issues with PAAK and key cards on our gen 2 R1s - my phone will not proximity unlock/lock or start car. I am able to manually unlock my car via app - key cards will not unlock car when tapping door handle. But key cards are able to start the car...
  9. Introductions & Welcome Thread 👋

    Hi neighbor! What color? I'm Forest Green. I'll keep an eye out for you around town.
  10. R1S driving in the snow

    I have the same tires and they did not require me to put chains on during chain control in Tahoe a couple weeks ago. I will say the tires feel like they do not have the best traction for snow. No issues while driving (slowly) but my R1S slid while parked on an icy driveway with a moderate incline.
  11. Gen2 update failed twice

    Hi all, new owner of a Gen2 dual max performance and tried to install the update yesterday. It got stuck at 7% then got a notification saying the update failed. I contacted support who had me reboot the vehicle (left button + hazard) and they pushed the update through again. It failed the second...
  12. Keycard works to drive but not to lock/unlock

    Did you ever have this resolved? I'm having a similar issue with my keycard.
  13. Introductions & Welcome Thread 👋

    Joined the Rivian family! Got my 2025 R1S performance dual max a few days ago. Loving it so far! I bought it used. Any tips on what I might have missed or may not know about? First time rivian and EV owner.
  14. California WTB crossbars

    Looking for cross bars for gen2 R1S. Prefer dark / black but okay with silver as well. Anyone selling in the Bay Area, CA.
