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  1. lefkonj

    "A mirage take shape Feb 19" - Rivian teasers

    I was thinking VW bought them and the Rivian brand will take over the Audi brand, since it is turning to shit.
  2. lefkonj

    I guess I need to start carrying my NACS adapter

    received my adapter went right in the frunk. Tried it once to make sure it works but its there if I need it.
  3. lefkonj

    Update 2024.51.02 broke my R1S

    Does the app show anything? If the app shows the vehicle is offline and the doors won't open then the 12V appears to be dead. You can jump it there is a documented procedure and that might get the doors to open . Not enough info here to provide any really good advice. Latest updated worked...
  4. lefkonj

    Had to reject delivery

    I would have looked at the sticker to validate what the vehicle was, Rivian should even be able to supply this upon request.
  5. lefkonj

    2 Year Anniversary R1S quick summary

    Lots of people have never owned a minivan. I am aware that there are vehicles with lots of space but compared to most SUVs on the market the Rivian is great with regards to space.
  6. lefkonj

    2 Year Anniversary R1S quick summary

    I am not holding my breath. Edison/Iselin was 2 years in the making then just disappeared. Trenton is fine as anything is better than driving to Brooklyn.
  7. lefkonj

    2 Year Anniversary R1S quick summary

    Today I had to drive down to Virginia for work. Stopped in Belcamp MD for a charge, first RAN experience. Things worked as expected. About 5 minutes from my hotel is a group of Mercedes chargers, this worked well too.
  8. lefkonj

    2 Year Anniversary R1S quick summary

    I picked up my R1S (Green Machine) 2 years ago today. This was our first EV but was 100% ready to go for it. Before I picked it up I had a JuiceBox installed hooked up to a NEMA 14-50 outlet. 2 weeks after taking delivery we drove to Boston from central NJ for college tours, even getting hit...
  9. lefkonj

    50 Amp Toggle Switch?

    I would look at this from Grizzl-E. Solves the problem without having to be managed by a manual change and not much more than the Home Depot switch. https://grizzl-e.com/products/grizzl-e-duo/
  10. lefkonj

    [LOCKED DUE TO INACCURATE FIGURES] Rivian U.S. Sales January 2025

    January car sales usually suck, they do so much to move before year end. I think the Rivian numbers will fluctuate greatly until the R2. Only so many people can afford a 80-110k vehicle and want one of this size. The R2 will move quickly
  11. lefkonj

    Vampire drain improvements coming in upcoming software updates; Gen 2 designed to have best-in class vampire drain when Gear Guard is ON.

    I have had my Gen1 R1S at the airport for 8 days, with gear guard on. 1% per day is what I lost, which is totally fine by my standards.
  12. lefkonj

    Gen2 Tri poor DCFC speeds

    Try a 350kw from EVGO or EA, I have seen much better numbers from those compared to some of the Teslas. Not sure it is the car. Yes R1's could charge better, be 800v architecture etc etc, but 138kw isn't terrible, I normally am close to 200 at that state of charge.
  13. lefkonj

    Brake Pad Replacement DIY for Rivian R1

    Awesome but I do not have the confidence to do something like this, happily will pay an expert for their time.
  14. lefkonj

    What % of Rivian Parts Come From Mexico or Canada? [LOCKED DUE TO POLITICS]

    Well at least these tariffs will help the every day American, that is what T-Rump is all about, helping the average American. Just silly and pointless, not caring what it takes to be a non-millionaire and live like a normal American.
  15. lefkonj

    Rivian just rotated my tires - but the rear wheels seem crooked now??

    When mobile service has rotated my tires they always take it for a little drive around the block before handing back to me. The techs have said it was for the very reason you are seeing.
  16. lefkonj

    Drive wheels not showing

    on my Gen1 R1S it is working. Sounds like reset time.
  17. lefkonj

    To FOB, or not to FOB?

    The only time I have taken the fob is when we travel long distances from home. I don't carry it my wife has it in her purse. I use the phone 100% of the time. No issues.
  18. lefkonj

    NACS adapter compatible with GM

    Only Gen 3/4 Tesla Superchargers work with non-Teslas as far as I know. The adapter should work on any vehicle, I have used my Rivian adapter on my BMW and they don't officially support it but it does work.
  19. lefkonj


    Having used it I fully understand it, don't assume to know my level of knowledge on a subject. All the data shows that FSD is fine but is no replacement for an attentive driver. You can argue it all you like but there are reasons that it has been questioned numerous times over the years. If...
  20. lefkonj


    I encounter so many Tesla drivers who just are not paying attention, whether they are using FSD or not. Based on the evidence FSD is not better than a human driver, since they are known to hit cop cars and other emergency vehicles and are trained to behave like a human not follow the rules of...
