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  1. Paak not working after latest update?

    I am continuing to see this on an intermittent basis. But not just the phone, when this is in effect, no key will work. Including the the key card, key band, and key fob. When I use the app to try to wake up the vehicle, it takes 3 to 5 attempts to unlock the doors, but that eventually works...
  2. Paak not working after latest update?

    Yes! After updating to 2024.43 on Monday, I got a Bluetooth /key warning message while driving to work... Then when attempting to leave work, no keys were recognized. I had three keys: phone, card, band (no fob). None of them were recognized, and I spent about 45 minutes trying to get them to...
  3. ? Rivian Sends Delivery Window E-Mail. What’s Your Dates? => Vote in Poll!

    Your Launch Edition R1T delivery window is now April - May 2022. Delivery to San Francisco Bay Area. Rivian Blue, 21" wheels, Ocean Coast interior. December 2019 pre-order.
