4.5 length and 4' width gives you 6' hypotenuse. Alas, most people are not straight lines, so some 'bend is required. I move so much in my sleep that I'd be smacking the devil out of my head and, to make matter worse, I often have my hands near or under my pillow, so my elbows would also get...
I never hear sage used with my advice....usually it's "useless", "idiotic", or whispered under ones' breath..."dumbsh!# advice". Yeah, I have kids as well. Thankfully, my dogs can't talk (but I can tell what they are thinking sometimes)
Lots of new construction around, so it was bound to happen, picked up a nail and the next morning I'm dead flat. Now, I'm an old man and I've changed too many tires to count. I've always considered myself to be pretty adept at the process. In fact, I never even bothered to do a test run...
Yeah, probably don't want to own a home in any rural areas in NC, SC, etc. While I have no idea where this occurred and, therefore, what the speed limit was, I can assure you that there are lots and lots of roads with 55MPH speed limits with houses and small businesses. It's quite common. That...
Here's the real crazy thing that shows you how old I am...sometimes, when I got lost I had to...wait for it...stop and ask someone for directions. (Of course, this usually occurred after about fifteen minutes of my wife saying 'why don't you just stop and ask someone for directions!?' :D )
Man what I wouldn't give for a 45 minute drive to a service center! I have 4hrs one way and I know a lot of others are in the same boat as I. Obviously, it stinks to have these issues and I certainly hope it gets sorted out soon but I'm not sure there will be much sympathy for a 45 minute drive.
Yeah, it's just a coin toss. In my own case, original preorder for a quad max-pack, power tonneau. Kept waiting patiently and then when it became apparent that the quad, max would not be made, I decided in Feb '23 to say to heck with it and just get a regular pack (less the power tonneau and a...
I don't think the comment was meant to suggest it is foolish to research things but rather there are far too many unknown variables, both extant and in the future to be able to know the 'correct' answer. Heck, just the results of the survey prove it's all a guess (unless you have insider info...
The other significant input in design that you did not mention is the marketing side of things. A large part of Steve Jobs' genius was his intuition around form factor. There are numerous stories of him sending a product back to the lab because he didn't like the look and/or feel of an item.
I'm shocked that so many people advocate for getting a car with manual transmission. My kids hated me for forcing them to learn how to drive that....well, hated me until it was time to get their own cars. Both got a manual. :)
Alas, none of us own a std transmission today. When I got rid...
I am a bit surprised at the reaction to this. Seems like every vehicle we've purchased over the last half dozen years or so came with a free trial subscription to their 'connection services', followed by the need to pay, if you wanted it. Our Jeep, the Audi before that, Porsche, BMW...all used...
Related to this, I have the 21's and when the rubber is toast, I'll likely go to a 20" option. Of course, I'll try to sell the 21's. But as I'm not really expecting much demand, I was thinking I would keep the 21 spare tire. I was thinking if I went with the 60's and had a flat, the 21 would...
So....anyone know a good PDR shop in the Charlotte/Gastonia area?
Related to this, I've never done PDR before. Is the pricing such that you get 'volume' discounts? I've picked up a couple of mysterious dings in the past, so I'm wondering if I'm better off holding off until trade-in time and...
I go to the grocery store, come out with my bags when I see two guys near the back of my truck. I notice a shopping cart against the drivers side back panel and say 'hey' One guy goes 'oh sorry, we didn't mean to leave it there, we'll take it back' As I walk towards the back, I see a nice...
Yeah maybe just a bit of exaggeration :) ...if it is only 77 miles where the 11MPH limit impacts you, and you are driving 76MPH (11 over), it would take you pretty much exactly one hour to cover the distance. To save 30 minutes on that leg, you'd need to average over 150MPH!
That being said, I...
Am I the only one that read this and thought...how fast must you be driving with Waze? If you are driving on a 70MPH road and doing 11MPH over, that equates to 81 MPH. Driving 81 MPH for 3.5 hours gets you 283.5 miles. To do that same distance in only three hours, you have to be doing...
Substitute the word dog with kids and it sounds like my wife (she taught Middle School)....actually, take that back, to add most of the kids because, she had a few doozies over the years