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  1. freshpow

    To FOB, or not to FOB?

    I know there’s a fob update too but I never bothered to do it since I ran out of batteries. Since OP is looking for an emergency backup I still think the keycard is the better option since it doesn’t have any batteries to risk dying.
  2. freshpow

    To FOB, or not to FOB?

    If you’re only going to be using it for backup, I think the key card is a much better/reliable option. Not sure if they’ve fixed these issues, but the battery in my G1 fob used to die insanely quickly. I never really used it much and when I would go to get it after a few weeks to a couple months...
  3. freshpow

    Beware, Beware the 12V Battery Warranty (Also positive Eastvale CA service center visit)

    Pretty ridiculous that it costs $700-$800 to replace these dogsh** batteries that are known to be highly issue prone.
  4. freshpow

    Long delays in warranty repairs

    You’re so dramatic. Please sue and let us know how that goes. If there is a serious issue that makes your vehicle undriveable or unsafe to drive they get you in as quickly as possible.
  5. freshpow

    Was in a horrible accident today..

    Glad you able to joke about it. I thought you were going to blame it all on the flat tire and then share a high-def video of you smoking a median barrier at speed!
  6. freshpow


    Well there it is! The proof we’ve all been asking for. Who needs statistical studies when we can just take this guy’s word for it? He did 5k miles with the latest FSD so it must be safer than a human.
  7. freshpow

    Rivian Service Fails To Repair

    I understand your frustration but think you’ll have a hard time proving that the hub knuckle is the reason for the tire wear you’re describing, particularly since it’s not all that uncommon on other Rivians. Did they tell you what they found when they performed FSAM-1507? (e.g., we checked your...
  8. freshpow

    Rivian Service Fails To Repair

    Except they didn’t state that changing the tires will fix those issues. A proper alignment may fix those issues but there’s no point in doing an alignment with your jacked up tires that need to be replaced. You’re still dancing around the subject of whether or not they have inspected and...
  9. freshpow

    Rivian Service Fails To Repair

    So did they inspect it or not? A poor alignment could also cause all the issues you’ve described. Given the hub knuckle is a safety issue I can’t see them saying no we won’t even look at it. Sounds like they probably did check and didn’t see anything wrong with those fasteners and you disagree...
  10. freshpow

    Rivian Service Fails To Repair

    Are you saying they refused to perform FSAM-1507? That doesn’t show in the one message from the SC you shared and frankly doesn’t make any sense. All it involves is correctly torquing the hub knuckle bolts and I can’t see them saying no to that until you get new tires. Something isn’t adding up...
  11. freshpow

    Anybody have any ideas of what yo do with a broken manual tonneau cover?

    Why don’t you get it replaced under warranty and then sell it? Sounds like you got the steal of the century with a free powered tonneau cover!
  12. freshpow

    Aftermarket Front License Plate Holder Recommendations?

    I’m in CO and haven’t had an issue over the last two years without a front plate. I have a Snapplate, which I really like, but prefer the look with no plate. I keep the Snapplate in my frunk and really only put it on if I’m parking on the street downtown.
  13. freshpow

    Apple CarPlay & Android Auto Solution is Coming Soon... (seriously) -- by EV Play

    Cool solution that I’m sure many will appreciate. With all of the complaining on here you should be a multi-millionaire in no time at all! Me thinks that they just like to complain though and won’t actually fork over the money

  14. freshpow

    Another Shady Service Center Visit

    They’ve clearly done away with the “comprehensive” inspection you’re referring to since it was removed from the website. The multi-point inspection/tire rotation costs $200 so you got what you paid for. You are correct that Rivian chat is useless. Try getting in touch with the service center...
  15. freshpow

    Another Shady Service Center Visit

    Sure it’s confusing that they’ve switched around the language on the website a bit but it’s hardly a bait and switch like you claim. The 7,500 “multi-point inspection” / tire rotation is not free. I recently had it performed, without the tire rotation, and was charged $160. Felt like a ripoff...
  16. freshpow

    R1T bricked in my driveway

    Sorry for your trouble OP. The unexpected 12v failures are not a fun surprise to wake up to. I’m sure they’ll get you sorted in short order. Rivian really should consider using you in their next ad campaign. You have a propensity for hyperbole and an uncanny ability to focus on the negatives...
  17. freshpow

    The efficiency history gauge is propaganda

    I’m glad someone else noticed. I picked up on this pattern back when they were @NineElectrics. Hoping FourteenElectrics migrates to a Cybertruck forum

  18. freshpow

    Under-seat front cubby gone from new builds

    Amen. When I think premium the first thing that comes to mind is tiny, underseat storage cubbies. On a serious note, for easy sunglass storage and access I highly recommend this overhead clip (https://opensourceev.com/products/overhead-glasses-holder-v3) Best $9.95 I’ve spent for my R1T!
  19. freshpow

    Steering wheel bezel? scratched

    Submit a ticket in the app to document it and I’m sure they’ll give you a new steering wheel. Might take a few months but they’ll take care of you
  20. freshpow

    Does Apple Music work for anyone with Connect+ right now?

    I hate to be captain obvious here but did you have a free trial for Apple Music that maybe expired? I had the same issue a few weeks back and forgot that I’d signed up for a trial that had ended. Just had to renew and was back up and running.
