I also think that it will only draw power from the charger if you set a schedule and tick the option to draw power from the charger. Otherwise it will always use battery.
That has been my understanding anyways.
Tuxmats does all the floors and back of seats, only catch is that we are still waiting on the 2025 model mats to be available.
I was downtown one day and when walking from one store to another the car unlocked and locked again as I passed my R1S. An older lady was window shopping when it went off and I watched her look around to try and figure out where the bells came from lol.
The S can hold a lot of cargo if it is just the two of you so if you are DIY'rs you wont always need to bring a trailer (especially with the roof rack). That being said, if we didn't have 2 teens, 2 cats and a dog to cart to the cottage we would have had a Tesla Model 3 ages ago.
If you do not...
I have a service apt in a few weeks in Vaughn but wanted to know if any other Canadians with a Gen2 have had this issue.
When using the buttons to increase or decrease the speed set for cruise/highway assist it is going up in (not so) random increments. After going over the border I realized...
Your only option is to not use Proximity Locking by disabling it in the vehicle or turning off Bluetooth on your devices.
It is one of the behaviors that thus far cannot be changed at a more granular level
I can't use my plex through the truck as I would rather poke a VPN hole in my firewall than a plex hole. As soon as you connect my VPN on my phone I can't connect to the car to cast....
Have you contacted Porche to see if there any software updates needed? I know for the Tesla Universal charger a lot of us had to contact Rivian to push out the 'Other Car Brand' firmware.
Maybe something similar that was broken in a OTA update to that charger?