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  1. ciderarchitect

    New email - Option to take delivery outside of service center radius

    My situation is similar to Donald’s where I’m five hours from a service center and probably shouldn’t have forced the issue in March to get my truck, but I have had no real issues and no regrets. It’s a gamble to get a Rivian when you are nowhere near a service center, but not a stupid gamble...
  2. ciderarchitect

    Delivery Estimate Updates Are Out! ⏱️ [as of Jan 31, 2022]

    No service center in Spokane in the foreseeable future. Spokane is in the same boat as western MT in this Rivian deal…
  3. ciderarchitect

    Delivery Estimate Updates Are Out! ⏱️ [as of Jan 31, 2022]

    Does it take 18 more months to open a second service center in Western WA? It shouldn't. So why are eastern WA estimated delivery dates out 18 to 24 months?
  4. ciderarchitect

    Delivery Estimate Updates Are Out! ⏱️ [as of Jan 31, 2022]

    There was a post a page or two ago about a preorder holder in New Orleans who is...
  5. ciderarchitect

    Delivery Estimate Updates Are Out! ⏱️ [as of Jan 31, 2022]

    I have an August 2021 R1T (large battery) order, and went from "Processing" to 2H2024 today. I'd say I appreciate them finally being specific, but it would be a lie. I don't appreciate it at all. What happened to "mobile service can perform the majority of service needs"? Four hours from a...
  6. ciderarchitect

    2023 is here... still "processing estimate"

    Do you have property in Seattle area or did you change to a friend/family address? Just curious. I may do the same thing if my "January Update" is depressing or vague.
  7. ciderarchitect

    2023 is here... still "processing estimate"

    What??? I am in the same town, same “ Processing Estimate“ purgatory, with pretty much the same config, but ordered four months earlier. Where’s my email??? Still, happy for you!
  8. ciderarchitect

    Processing estimate: Give us your info

    Order info is in my signature, and except for the OC interior, it is pretty much a standard R1T config. Ordered Aug 31, 2021, same day as @Gavinmcc. According to Google Maps, I’m 291 miles from the Bellevue Service Center. I have seen some complaints that those near Seattle have to wait over two...
  9. ciderarchitect

    🔮 Estimated Delivery Date Window is LIVE! What’s Yours?! 🔮

    I’m going to read between the lines a little differently. I am hoping that “Processing estimate“ for a 2021 R1T order means “we are trying to get you a truck soon, but the nearest service center is backlogged something crazy. If we can get it under control, or roll out some decent mobile service...
  10. ciderarchitect

    🔮 Estimated Delivery Date Window is LIVE! What’s Yours?! 🔮

    Is your delivery address Jackson, WY? Seems like you are about as far from a SC as I am (and months after me on order date) but you have a delivery window. My email says they don't have a service center near me so I am "Processing".
  11. ciderarchitect

    🔮 Estimated Delivery Date Window is LIVE! What’s Yours?! 🔮

    Mine went from Oct-Dec 2022 to "Processing estimate"... like they haven't had all year to process it? Frustrated that they don't have a better handle on service as distance to SC can make this truck N/A for me. 291 miles to Bellevue SC and not getting any closer...
  12. ciderarchitect

    Bit of a pickle… home purchase.

    Yes, there are a few in Spokane, but I believe they changed policy late summer and are “holding off” on fulfilling orders that are more than a couple hours from SC’s, to better manage the ancillary expenses associated with each and every service ticket. I’ve seen quite a number of folks with...
  13. ciderarchitect

    Bit of a pickle… home purchase.

    Unfortunately, you moved to a location that is more than a couple hours from a service center and you may be on hold for a while. Rivian has told an early reservation holder in the southeast that lives five hours from a SC that they are low priority, and Spokane is 4.5 hours from Bellevue so all...
  14. ciderarchitect

    8 steps opened!

    Encouraging to see Washington architects with late summer 2021 orders with OC interiors getting their tickets punched! ;) There is hope yet...
  15. ciderarchitect

    Oct-Dec 2022 Delivery Windows

    Today is the one year Rivian-niversary of my preorder (along with @Gavinmcc) and I've heard zero updates about my order since December 2021. A lot of people from last fall getting their trucks and I hope mine is still on track for Q4 (or sooner). Excited to see more photos of the "Black Coast"...
  16. ciderarchitect

    Oct-Dec 2022 Delivery Windows

    Thanks for the additional perspective. I have yet to reach out to CS and have tried to be patient for my stated delivery window, but if my stated window is now pushed out and they haven’t told me… I will be disappointed. (So I read the forums more than I should for any clue!)
  17. ciderarchitect

    Oct-Dec 2022 Delivery Windows

    @Gavinmcc So, if I have similar symptoms, do you think I have the same disease??? I ordered same day as you, was originally given Q4 2022 delivery window, received no June 11 update, and live 4.5 hours from the nearest SC. Did the customer service person explain it in a way that the lack of a...
  18. ciderarchitect

    Oct-Dec 2022 Delivery Windows

    I’m an 8/31/21 order showing up as 9/01 as well, and just assumed that coders might be using GMT, and if I put my deposit in after 3:00 pm (PDT) which is likely the case, it would have been 9/01 in Greenwich, England (or should I say 01/09/21…) and logged as such. Regardless, so anxious to move...
  19. ciderarchitect

    Won the Rivian lottery and then lost it?

    I ordered the same day as @tgo10000 and changed from OC to FE interior the week the OC delay was officially acknowledged. Besides the email in December that estimated a Q4 2022 delivery, I have heard nothing from Rivian. No guide, no June update email. All so curious.
